Osun State Reopens Schools Sept 21, Releases Guidelines

The Osun State Government on Monday said September 21, 2020 had been tentatively set for the reopening of schools in the state.

The government disclosed this in a statement by the Commissioner for Information and Civic Orientation, Mrs Funke Egbemode, at the end of  the State Executive Council meeting.

Egbemode also said stakeholders were expected to continue to put protocols in place towards the reopening of schools according to the guidelines set by the Federal Ministry of Education.

The statement read in part: “Having conducted an assessment of schools within the State to ascertain the level of preparations for reopening, the government has scheduled schools to resume from the COVID-19 break on September 21st for an abridged third term of the 2019/2020 academic session, which is expected to end on October 30, 2020.

“To make up for lost grounds caused by the COVID-19 induced lockdown, a new academic session (2020/2021 session) is scheduled to commence on November 9, 2020.”null

 “Because of the Yuletide, schools will be expected to take a brief recess from December 24, 2020, to resume on January 4, 2021, for the concluding part of the first term of the new session which is scheduled to end January 22, 2021.”

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